
COMPFEST CTF 2023 - Panic HR


Category: OSINT

Hi, I am an HR on a retail company, Free Terracota. I need your help for find our lost flag that hidden by our Security Analysist, named Andi Hakim. Thank you for helping me!

Author: kilometer


By seaching free terracota andi hakim on Google, we come across the LinkedIn profile of Andi Hakim:


There is a link to his personal web page which leads to his Github profile.

In his Contribution activity, there is a suspicious repositiory recently created:


The commit message of the file indexx.html mentions a flag.

We look at the modification from the commit:


And we get the flag: COMPFEST15{th4nk_yoU_F0r_H3lp_Th1s_P4nn1ck_HR}.

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